
Category Archives for "Information"

J Type vs T Type Halogen Bulbs: Key Differences

T Type Halogen BulbsYou can get halogen bulbs in a series of different sizes and shapes. They have a coding system which specifies a bulb’s diameter and whether or not the bulb features a built-in dichroic reflector. T-shaped halogen light bulbs are tubular in shape. They are the most common halogen bulb shape. They do not […]

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How To Stop LED Lights Glowing When Off?

After updating the lights of your home, offices or any other area – where you once used fluorescent lights – this idea overpowered you that there could be no complications regarding the new update. You were right but not to full extent. There are some reservations about the LED lights. The one main concern that will […]

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How To Rewire A Fluorescent Fixture For LED?

This age is an age of technology and advancement. People always go for such products which can not only be long-lasting but also provide them with adequate facilitation. In your daily lives, nothing can be more significant and important than the electronic devices that you use. Nonetheless, if you update these devices, it always acts as […]

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How to Wire LED Light Bar?

These days, car owners are opting for LED light bars because they can offer increased efficiency, longer lifespan, and great illumination and can also bring in a new style for cars. Whenever we hear about wiring something, we often think of it as a difficult task which can only be performed by engineers, but wiring LED […]

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